Frequently asked questions

Get answers to your questions about Euten Cream.

  1. Does Euten Cream contain Paraben and Corticosteroids?
    For children over 3 years the cream is applied as a thin layer 1-2 times a day.
    For children over 5 years of age the cream is applied as a thin layer 2-3 times a day.
  1. What are Euten Cream ingredients?
    Euten Cream is 100% natural product. Natural ingredients are carefully selected in an effective proportion
    Euten Cream contains:
    – Mentol – removes or reduces subjective problems such as burning and itching.
    – Yarrow extract helps with the inflammatory processes of the skin and restore it.
    – Comfrey extract restoring skin in structure and color, normalizing its function and appearance and eliminating skin dryness and roughness.
    – Salicylic acid dissolves skin debris that clogs pores, and acts as an anti-inflammatory and makes the skin smooth.
  1. How can Euten Cream help?
    Euten Cream, 100% paraben free and non-corticosteroid, offers natural itch relief and it is recommended with all persons who have dry, cracked and dandruff skin. Euten Cream is designed for skin diseases as psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema.
  1. How should you use Euten Cream?
    We recommend applying Euten Cream 4-5 times a day as a thin layer on dry, cracked and red skin. Euten Cream is a combination of herbal ingredients only and there is no time limit to be used in adults and children 3 years and older.
  1. Can Euten Cream be used by children?
    For children over 3 years the cream is applied as a thin layer 1-2 times a day.
    For children over 5 years of age the cream is applied as a thin layer 2-3 times a day.
  1. How long does it take to see visible results?
    In general, you should see visible skin changes after just a few treatments, with regular application according to the instructions for use.
  1. Why doesn’t the cream always have the same colour (white)?
    Product colour may vary slightly due to 100% natural ingredients in the production process.